多智能体强化学习(Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, MARL)是近年来机器学习领域的一个研究热点,旨在解决多个智能体在同一环境中协同或竞争的问题。在多智能体系统中,信用分配(Credit Assignment)是一个关键问题,即如何公平且准确地评估每个智能体对团队整体性能的贡献。本文将深入探讨反事实多臂老虎机算法(Counterfactual Multi-Armed Bandit, CMAB)如何解决这一问题。
反事实多臂老虎机算法是专为多智能体信用分配问题设计的一种策略评估方法。其核心思想在于构建一个反事实基准(Counterfactual Baseline),用于评估每个智能体在特定情境下的贡献。
def counterfactual_credit(team_rewards, individual_actions, policy):
# team_rewards: list of rewards for each time step
# individual_actions: list of actions taken by each agent at each time step
# policy: the current policy of each agent
credits = []
for t in range(len(team_rewards)):
reward = team_rewards[t]
actions = individual_actions[t]
baseline_reward = 0 # Initialize baseline reward
# Compute counterfactual baseline
for a in range(len(actions)):
# Fix all other actions, only change action of agent a
fixed_actions = individual_actions[t].copy()
fixed_actions[a] = [action for action in policy[a] if action != actions[a]] # Explore all other actions
baseline_reward += max([reward_given_actions(env, fixed_actions) for reward_given_actions in possible_rewards])
baseline_reward /= len(actions) # Average baseline across all agents
# Compute credit for each agent
for a in range(len(actions)):
credit = reward - baseline_reward
credits.append((a, credit))
return credits